Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sanctuary building update: interior frescos

Hey all, managed to get a little more work done on the interior:

I am pretty happy with how it turned out. There were some things I wanted to do which my skills didn’t quite permit. I also don’t want to get too bogged down when you won’t really get to see a lot of it. But it’s good practice for when I tackle something a little more ambitious, like a villa.

The plinth is from the incredible "Hellenistic Sacrifice" set from Baueda. It comes with a bunch of jugs and a very large krater which will likely find its way into this projects somewhere.

Here’s an in progress shot:

Nice fresco... would be a shame if something “happened” to it.

And where it’s at right now:

You can probably get a sense of what you’ll see during games. I’m actually looking forward to taking a shot from the doorway looking in. I've only got to decide on what the reliquary will look like and the interior is mostly done.

As for the design, I drew inspiration from a commercial weight showing two Imperial figures in martial dress, which I've taken from Bendall's Byzantine Weights: An introduction that I'm currently reading:

Source: Bendall 1996: 47

It seemed like a suitably imposing figure, but I haven't quite settled on who he is or what makes him a saint yet. I also did a search for Late Roman frescos, but mostly just worked with the colours I had on hand at the time.

As for the final verdict... well, it could always be worse:


  1. ha! I love that 'restoration' pic. I think your little shrine looks lovely. I wonder if you could get a little fake candle flickering tealight, pull it apart, and put it in there somehow. Maybe mount it inside the roof, so when you put the roof on and look in through the doorway you see the shrine in candlelight....

    1. That's an excellent idea Chris! I was a little worried about it looking a bit dark, but a light inside would look great - challenge accepted! There are plenty of cavities in the roofs, as well as chunks of foam below (thanks to your suggestion to raise the floor) to stuff around with electronics.

  2. Looking great! I kind of want to use that bungled Spanish Jesus as a icon or banner for a SCW project.
